Ujiie Carp Store JAPAN^English Website
Ujiie Carp Store Japan
HOMEbGreetingsbHistoryb‚`‚’‚‚‰bUmanibKirimibAccess MapbVideos
‚t‚Š‚‰‚‰‚… ‚b‚‚’‚ ‚r‚”‚‚’‚…^Greetings
Greetings from Ujiie Carp Store, By Koshi Ujiie, the son of the founder

Welcome to our website!

We are happily spending everyday, participating in local events and cooperating with people around us throughout the year.

Providing this website in my free time is another joy in my life.

I know this is a simple website compared to other commercial websites, but I'd like to provide interesting topics about traditional carp dishes to as many people as possible. I hope that could be a contribution to promoting my hometown as well.

For the first time in Japan, I'm providing information about carp dishes and their techniques to the world!

A sales specialty store for carp dishes (sashimi prepared in warm water, sweet simmered carp, fillet, live carp) in Higashi-Naruko Spa, Naruko-Onsen Village, Miyagi Prefecture
HOMEbGreetingsbHistoryb‚`‚’‚‚‰bUmanibKirimibAccess MapbVideos
Web Designe & produced by Ujiie Carp Store^Japan
CopyrightiCj2005- Ujiie Carp Store. All Rights Reserved.@<Translator - y.terashima>